Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A last-minute list

Thank goodness for email and that new-fangled interweb - I think I can still get my Christmas list to Santa in time for tonight. Here's what I'm hoping the jolly old elf brings:

  • A pink slip for Packers general manager Ted Thompson
  • A professional hockey team in Toronto
  • An end to this cold snap!
  • A goal for Brad, Jacob.
  • A star quarterback for the 2009 atom Cougars
  • An offensive line for that quarterback to play behind
  • Cheese, and lots of it
  • Did I mention I want Ted Thompson gone?
  • My October paycheque from Access! November and December too, please.
  • A hard rock defenceman and a veteran centre for the Regina Pats
  • Maurice Lloyd back in Rider green in 2009
  • A salary cap in major league baseball
  • A consistent backhand in tennis
  • A break from injuries - getting old sucks!
  • A new domed stadium for Regina
  • A new communications gig
  • Halle Berry
  • Another year of smiles and hugs from the munchkin
And if Santa can't fit all that on the sleigh, just send over Halle Berry with a cheese tray. That'll do!


Anonymous said...

Hope you get everything you're asking for (except maybe Halle Berry - I think she's busy).

Merry Christmas to you and the munchkin!


Anonymous said...

Santa's good, but I don't think even he can turn the Leafs around. Sorry!

A new gig? Maybe if you ask nicely, Santa can get you reading news again on 62Kool. Bah-bah-ba-boom!

Pac58 said...

Thanks Bev!

Drew, 62 Kool? Santa would never do that! He's not evil!

Plus, he doesn't have any time for the Leafs. He's too busy trying to keep the Oilers and Seahawks afloat!