- Campbell and Haliburton Insurance. Mel is always looking to save me a buck or two.
- 4 Seasons Sports Palace. I'm liking the new screens!
- Airport Health Professionals. They'll crack your back, and crack you up!
- Applebee's (south Regina). A dishsoap aftertaste with my ginger ale tainted an otherwise enjoyable dining experience.
- Everyone who cast ballots in the RMF coach of the year popularity contest. No mercy for you next year!
It's been kind of a slow week. Got anything to add to the list?
Stats Cocktails and Dreams - Based on last week's pizza ratings we ordered from there. Bar none it's the best, and that says something considering how good Tumblers is.
CJME - Why is it whenever something happens in the economy they go to "Business Analyst" Paul Martin? Exactly what business has this guy run? I'll tell you. He has a small half assed communications firm which employs most of his kids, a seasonal fly in fishing camp (Basically a cabin you rent) which employs his kids, and that's about it. He also ran the "Regina Free Press" a weekly rag that he put right into the ground.
Saskatchewan Taxpayers Federation -You want to know what is a waste of taxpayer money? Providing funding for this outfit. I get it I understand they don't think First Nations' business pay enough taxes. They've been running off of that playbook for 20 years. I'd advise their Executive Director to read the treaties, and then provide an informed opinion before he starts shooting his mouth off about who pays what and how much. I'd also ask him to investigate what the median income is on/off reserve then tell us how easy it should be for that segment of society to get by. He will not do that because it would mean getting off his ass, and then trying to actually figure out what goes on out there.
Big Sky Farms - This toilet bowl of an organization deserved to go bankrupt. They build factory barns in small towns, pay their workers nothing, but then as a bonus give them a "half a pig" at Christmas time. This place has and was continually propped up by NDP government backing even during so called good times. It expanded way to fast in an industry notorious for low margins and world pricing fluctuations. What did former CEO Florian Possberg think would happen? He knew, but he knew the bills were never going to get paid anyway. He feathered his nest, buggered off last year, and left a new CEO to fix this mess. Now they've stiffed how many creditors? Guess what else? They went tits up, and now who's left holding the bill? The Taxpayer that's who. Maybe the Tax Federation and Paul Martin should stick their nose in this one and provide some analysis.
1) I may have to give Stats a try, after these rave reviews!
2) Once you've established yourself as an "expert" in any field, the media will come running to you for analysis every time. Ever notice it's the exact same group of people who get interviewed every time a provincial budget gets handed down?
Back in the day I almost had a barstool bronzed for me as I spent so much time on Nice place to hang out. Take you boy bowling then head up for a pizza. Very relaxing. When the sun goes down you'll get a few coyotes in there, but overall it's just a nice little joint to hang out at.
That's the thing about "expert" analysis. Nobody questions it. I recently read a book by former Wrestler/Minnesota Govenor Jesse Ventura titled, "Don't Start the Revolution Without Me". I read a variety of books from the Left/Right/Centrist positions. I'm curious how their opinions are formed etc. Jesse had a small show on MSNBC, but pulled the plug on it. This was due to everytime something happened the network insisted he use the "roster" of pundits. It always starts with "Former" before the name. I didn't notice, but then I did after I read his book. For example go to Fox News and it's "Former Advisor" Dick Morris, "Commentator" Anne Coulter, Go to CNN and it's "Former Aide" Paul Begala or David Gergen.....on and on and on.
I honestly believe in my heart that CJME News is "infotainment". The sports was fine as it was fun, hip, and uplifting. The news I rarely if ever listen to. Gormley will always bring up "the mainstream media" as an entity that will not tell you the whole story. Really? It was just proven that Hannity on Fox News used footage from an old large protest, and tried to pass it off as a recent large protest in order to make his points seem more mainstream as they are. I see Rawlco aligning themselves with this more right of centre type commentary. When something however does happen on the world stage what feed do they pick up to broadcast?....CNN....hmmmm. Then you look at that guy. 13 years "commentating"....not doing anything mind you, just "commentating"....very contributive to our society. What is dangerous about him is that there is that redneck segment of society that actually thinks this guy knows what he is talking about.
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