The Regina and Saskatchewan sporting communities have lost a third high-profile member in the past week!
Saskatchewan Soccer Association Executive Director Bjorn Osieck is leaving in July, to take on the head job with the B-C Soccer Association in Vancouver. For those who don't know, Bjorn has done a tremendous job with the SSA - restoring the organization's credibility in the wake of a fraud scandal involving his predecessor as E.D. He's also worked tirelessly to raise the profile of soccer in this province - not an easy task in the land of the Riders and junior hockey.
Best wishes to Bjorn and his family. They'll be missed.
I don't know about you, but I'm getting tired of saying goodbye to bright, energetic young people who leave this province for greener pastures. "Wide Open Future" indeed...
Talk radio rant please.
Soon. Just building the anticipation.
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