Wednesday nights in the GRMA (Greater Regina Metropolitan Area) mean one thing: the arrival of a brand-new episode of Regina's favourite one-hour tribute to local sports, Locker Talk on AccessNow TV. Once again this week, we've assembled an outstanding collection of guests, covering a wide range of sports in our community. Check it out tonight at 6:00 or any weeknight at the same time. We're not guaranteeing that watching the show will make winter fly by more quickly, but it certainly can't hurt, can it?
Locker Talk Guests for November 22/23
Co-host: Mitchell Blair
1. The Regina Ski Club is up and running for the 2023/24 season. Guests: Dale Hjertaas (Club President) & Brent Rosbruk (Board member).
2. A post mortem on the 2023 season for the University of Regina women’s soccer team. Guests: Astrid Baecker (Head Coach), Peyton Enns (Forward) & Kirsten Koellmel (Midfielder).
3. Ringside. Locker Talk’s monthly update from the world of amateur and professional boxing. Guest: Frank Fiacco (Lonsdale Boxing Club President).
4. Just in time for Christmas, a Regina author has launched his latest book, chronicling the maskless goalie era in the NHL. Guest: Rob Vanstone (Author, Brave Face).
5. High School Confidential. Our monthly look at high school athletics in Regina and area. Guest: Dwayne Ell (RHSAA Commissioner).
6. The Blair Necessities. Locker Talk’s weekly sports commentary.
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