We're one month away from Christmas. Why not treat yourself to an early gift, and catch up on the latest local sports happenings? Luckily, this week's episode of Locker Talk on Access Now will whet your appetite, and more. Check out this star-studded lineup:
Locker Talk Guests for November 25/20Co-host: Mitchell Blair
1. While the WHL season remains on standby, the Regina Pats have been busy off the ice, including launching a lottery and a toy drive for local kids in need. Guest: Stacey Cattell (Pats COO).
2. The City of Regina has had to be creative in coming up with winter recreation programming during the current pandemic. Guest: Bobbie Selinger (Manager Community & Recreation Programs).
3. Hockey players in the Regina area have been taking full advantage of the services of Next Level Hockey Consulting during the extended off season of 2020. Guests: Tristan Frei, Taylor Frei & Colby Williams (Co-owners).
4. Players and fans aren’t the only ones missing a CFL season in 2020. There are also the officials! Guest: Ron Barss (CFL official).
5. An update on the 2020/21 Pilot Butte Storm junior B hockey club. Guest: Dale Lewgood (General Manager).
6. The Blair Necessities. Locker Talk’s weekly sports commentary.