- Regina Minor Football. The lousy weather in September made for some scheduling challenges, but once again Kelly, Len and the gang came through. It's a very well-run league, despite allowing people with dubious credentials (ie: me) to coach!
- Regina real estate agent Merv Andersen and the town of Southey. Their generous sponsorship made the atom Cougars' year-end windup even more of a success. Thanks folks!
- Eriksen Construction. Dave did a great job with my new garage. I've already got him booked to replace my deck in the spring.
- City Wide Security Systems. They installed the alarm system in my house, so I called them to do the same with my garage. Weeks later, I still haven't had the pleasure of talking to anyone - so let's move on to our next contestant!
- Toronto Maple Leafs. They're teasing us long-suffering fans with some decent performances in the NHL preseason. But I won't be fooled - I've seen this movie before!
- Sears (Cornwall Centre). I was thinking about buying a pair of shoes from there yesterday. I spent about a half hour in the shoe department. You'd think that would be enough time for a salesperson to make their way over to me. Guess not!
Okay, who or what is on your list this week?